Thursday, September 13, 2007

Why bother to exercise?

Why bother to exercise?
Its uncomfortable and boring right. What a load of crap! Exercise in the millenium can be very comfortable and totally exciting.

Think of your favourite piece of music and how it makes you feel. Then think of movements that makes you feel positive and powerful. Start puttting this together and got the basis of a life style exercise program. Music and movement, these two components carefully pieced together will change the way you percieve exercise forever. If you dont believe me then ask any of the five million people a week in over 70 countries that take a Les Mills class. Something is working here folks, come on, the numbers dont lie

Benefits of exercise, whew....where do you want to start? There's libraries of material written on this topic. One of the best reads this decade is the called "Fighting Globesity" by Phillip and Jackie Mills (MD). On one level, a cutting edge guide to success with your own exercise and diet program, from two world leaders in the field. On another, a unique new overview of the steps you can take to help create a healthy planet. This book may change not only your life, but those of your children and grandchildren.

My very simplistic view on this is

1. Start exercising so you can feel, function and look better everyday of your life. Set clear and realistic goals. Check out

2. Make some smart choices around food so you live longer enjoying life rather than suffering through crazy diets. check out

3. Find exercise options that motivate you, the choices today are incredible. Check out For the unmotivated try a Group Exercise Classes or buy an IPOD and create your own music workout

4. Hang out with people who embrace your fitness and health goals. Its great to have personal goals but its even better to share them. Stay away from "Nay-sayers"

5. Love your workouts. Make an appointment with yourself 2-3 times a week. Be selfish and enjoy quality "you time." Good luck

The DNA of Group Fitness Schedules

I often get asked how to schedule group fitness classes to maximise numbers and yet provide enough variety . The key is to understand the DNA of programming. Focus on maximising numbers with minimum programs

Myth Number One- Variety does not equal more people
IHRSA Research shows the average member visits the club 1.75 time a week. Assuming they visit the club at a similar period each day the amount of variety across the week should be minimised to ensure they get the workout of choice at least twice a week!

Myth Number Two- Most people cross train.
Most group fitness members who visit twice a week only use one program. Members who use visit the club three or more times are likely to cross train with two or more programs

Myth Number Three - People wont change their time to workout
If the program and instructor are good enough most group members will shift their workout time an hour forward and back. The traditional 40 hour week with strict start and finish times is over. Most workplaces allow for glide time as long as the work is done. For the growing number of self employed working at home glide time is everyday

Putting It All Togther
Given the above Myths use your top programs to create your timetable foundation. These represent the core DNA of your weekly schedule and keep it strong. (See example of a single studio with 8 programs above) At peak time-slots offer the mot popular programs and strong instructors to create loyalty amongst the participants. This will allow you to build attendances beyond peak slots using this instructor/program combination.

Use your top three or four programs (identified from calculating program averages) to thread classes through the week and down each day. Your top two programs will have the most classes and so provide the strongest theme (DNA) for your timetable. Next fill in the empty slots with niche and service programs. This is where you add the variety. Its like painting by numbers!
Applying this basic strategy to each zone (early morning, mid morning, lunchtime and evening) you build very popular 2-3 hour workout zones with managable variety rather than over-packed single time zones and empty shoulder and off peak slots.

The answer lies in the DNA of Group Fitness scheduling. Good luck