Back in 1995 I was priviledged to teach the first BODYPUMP® class in Australia with two other well known group fit personalities, Emma Barry and Mike McSweeney. This was to change the global face of group fitness forever. As the program spread around the world the team was joined by two other group fit personalities Pete Manuel and Cathy Spencer Browning. By 1998 over 2000 in clubs in 20 countries were offering this program. Its hard to describe " people pumping" all over the globe.
Who would have guessed that 10 years later over 4 million people every week would be participating in Les Mills classes in 10000 clubs in over 70 countries. Our bold new mission is to move 25 million people a week. Fortunately we are blessed with world class talent and the new BODYPUMP® team of Glen Ostergaard and Susan Tolj promise to continue delivering life changing fitness experiences everytime everywhere.
My challenge to all of you that visit this BLOG is to get out and join a group fitness class. You can change your life in a second! This is your year so check out http://www.lesmills.com/ class locator and find a gym near you. Most of these clubs offer free class trials so grab a friend or family member and just do it.
In less than 60 minutes you'll improve your health and redefine what it means to feel alive. Do it for you and those you love. Exercise together and stick together!
Stay Pumped
Hi Steve and all Les Mills Time
Blogs are great idea to stay in touch
Congratulations for it...
I miss all of you
Kisses from Brazil
Excellent information about how to choose a great gym! BodyPlex of Woodstock, Georgia is constantly stiving to get better in every category! Seven of the Les Mills classes provide over 40 classes a week with a participation rate of 35%! Members are constantly asking about the next launches and bringing their friends! Steve, can't wait to have you come visit again... The RPM room misses you!!! Yuuuurr!
Hey SR some good info! Just to say to anyone in London or heading our way check out the classes here at Cannons in the City. When the UK decided to PUMP we were there and we are just going going from strength to strength 10 years on!
Hey Steve. Ka pai on another good idea. A second to Jenny's comments about Cannons. If anyone reading this wnats top notch group fitness in London, the City team are the benchmark for excellence. Kia Kaha folks - get PUMPING!
Thank you for the history I diddn't know that & to realize how many clubs have BodyPump globally is amazing. No excuses for missing a workout for sure!
There was a write up in the magazine (either Oxygen or Fitness RX for Women) that mentioned the cardio equivelant benefits of BodyCombat, BodyStep and BodyPump versus what one can achieve from running.
Congratulations on a great Blog!!
Ah, thank you for these words of truth and enlightenment from our "Peaceful Warrior". South Central will spread the news.....
Cool blog!
Hello Steven,
When Holland decided to Pump, I was one of the first Dutchies to get hooked. It resulted in becoming BP, RPM, BB, BV, Aaerobic and Step, Hectors AerobicWorld courses , instructor. Finally I got so into the groupfitness branch, that 5 years ago I started my own club, Va Bene, 1.000 m2, located in Reeuwijk, near Gouda, where you can eat and buy the best cheese in the world. We run BP, BB, RPM and BV. I would be honoured when you and Susan would come and visit my club. A big hongi from Annelies
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